UAE: Adoption Of The 10 Principles For The Next 50 Years


His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed, may Allah protect him, issued Resolution No. 15 of 2021 adopting the ten principles of the UAE for the next fifty years.

The Ten Principles represent a reference for all  institutions in the UAE to strengthen the pillars of the union and build a sustainable economy. It will also work on harnessing all resources for a more prosperous society, and developing regional and international relations to achieve the supreme interests of the state and support the foundations of peace and stability in the world.

Here are the Ten Principles:

First Principle: To strengthen the union in terms of institutions, legislation, powers and budgets, and develop all areas of the country, urban, developmental and economic.

Second Principle: To focus completely during the coming period on building the best and most active economy in the world.

Third Principle: To serve the higher national goals, on top of which are the economic interests of the UAE.

Fourth Principle: To develop  human capital through the development of education, talent acquisition, and retention of specialists.

Fifth Principle: To develop stable and positive political, economic and popular relations with this environment, and this is one of the most important priorities of the UAE's foreign policy.

Sixth Principle: To consolidate the global reputation of the UAE, as being one economic destination, one tourism destination, one industrial destination, one investment destination, and one cultural destination.

Seventh principle: To define the UAE's development and economic borders through determining its digital, technical and scientific superiority, and consolidating it as a capital for talent, companies and investments in these areas.

Eighth Principle: To adopt openness and tolerance, preserve rights, consolidate the state of justice, preserve human dignity, respect cultures, consolidate human brotherhood and respect for national identity.

Ninth Principle: To maintain the continuity of the UAE’s foreign humanitarian aid as an integral part of its path and its moral obligations towards the less fortunate peoples.

Tenth Principle: To call for peace and peace, negotiations and dialogue to resolve all differences as the basis of the foreign policy of the UAE.


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