Egyptian Students invent a Wheelchair that works with "Eye Movement"

 A new idea came to Egyptian students to support people with quadriplegia, by creating a wheelchair that works only with eye movement.

The idea of ​​the project is based on the processing of eye signals "EOG", which is read by a specialized device, "PSL-iEOG2", some sensors installed on the person using the chair, and artificial intelligence "AI" or "Deep learning", which is one of the best developments in science in the field of " Computer Science". Through it, the collected signals are processed and categorized for different directions “right, left, up, down or blink twice.

Thus, the resulting direction is sent to the chair by means of electronic components to be moved, and the movement of the eye up means moving the chair forward, while down means moving it back, the movement of the eye to the right or left moves the chair in the same directions, and blinking twice to stop the chair in its place.


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