UAE Humanitarian Hand in Afghanistan saves Thousands


One initiative after another that enhances the UAE's humanitarian role globally, the last of which is its agreement to host 5,000 Afghan nationals who have been evacuated from Afghanistan, before they go to other countries.

And between hosting and evacuation, the UAE's humanitarian hand continues to work effectively, which everyone witnessed after it facilitated the evacuation of about 8,500 foreigners from Afghanistan, using its planes and through its airports.

The UAE, at the request of the USA, would temporarily host the Afghan citizens, before they travel to other countries. The Afghan nationals who were evacuated to the UAE from the capital, Kabul, will depart in the coming days, on US planes.

This humanitarian initiative comes in conjunction with the UAE's recent facilitation of the departure of dozens of flights carrying hundreds of foreign nationals from Afghanistan, including a number of diplomats, employees of different nationalities and NGO workers to the UAE's airports.

The UAE's humanitarian efforts in the Afghan crisis have received great international acclaim, coinciding with the world's commemoration of Humanitarian Action Day on August 19 of each year. These international tributes and this global celebration come at a time when the history of humanity records in letters of light the initiatives and efforts of the UAE to provide relief to those in need around the world.

The UAE's white hands extended to provide relief to all peoples going through difficult circumstances, within the strategy of human brotherhood that it pursues and prioritizes "Humanity First" without discrimination based on geography, race or religion. This humanitarian strategy has been evident during the current Afghan crisis, on more than one level. 


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