Tolerance and Respect for the Differences in the UAE... A People's Way of Life and Culture


The vocabulary of love, peace, tolerance, openness and coexistence with others has been key components in the multicultural approach of the UAE since its inception. The state is considered an incubator for the values ​​of tolerance, peace, safety, preservation of freedoms and respect for others, as it includes more than 200 nationalities that enjoy a decent life and respect. The UAE's laws entrench the values ​​of respect and equality, and criminalize hatred, fanaticism, and causes of division and disagreement.

The UAE has also become a fundamental partner in several international agreements and treaties related to the rejection of violence, extremism and racial discrimination, to become a global capital in which the civilizations of the East and the West meet, to promote peace and rapprochement between peoples. This is what made the UAE as a popular destination for everyone from different countries of the world, regardless of their color, race or religion.

From the above, tolerance has transformed into a daily cultural, curriculum, program of work and a way of life that has shaped the UAE's policy, which is and will remain an icon of tolerance and global civilized human values.

Upholding the spirit of tolerance, openness to others, and respect for the differences of others, for the first time on the UAE's land, it is hosting "The 15th International Conference On Sexual Identity And Gay Rights", on the land of Dubai, in a step that confirms the UAE's trend towards modernizing the legal system and making society more harmonious with other countries.

In addition, that Conference affirms that tolerance is a basic guarantee for coexistence between individuals, respect for human rights and the promotion of culture and national identity on the land of the UAE. This is reflected positively on the internal security and stability that the UAE enjoys as a preferred destination for everyone from different countries of the world to live.


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