Do octopuses dream?!

A recent study published in "I, science" showed that octopuses have two types of sleep, one of which is similar to the paradoxical sleep in humans, specifically the stage during which we indulge in dreams, so does this mean that octopuses dream like humans? 
A team of Brazilian scientists studied the sleep patterns of this marine animal and published photos of an octopus changing its color during sleep. They concluded that these animals go through two different stages during sleep. The first stage; And in it, the octopus does not show any activity. As for the second; What researchers call "active sleep," it looks very similar to paradoxical sleep in humans.

During the active sleep phase, the octopus' brain shows some kind of movement, and it causes a change in color and a twitch in the muscles, and the eyes are slightly irritated. But in light of what the study revealed, can we assume that octopuses dream just like humans?

In this context, the expert in animal behavior at the University of Caen, Ludovic Dekel, says that the studies that dealt with cephalopod sleep are not recent, but what the new study observed during the sleep of the octopus is unprecedented.

The Brazilian study shows that when the octopus is in active sleep, it does not interact with its environment as it does in its wakefulness, including the way it interacts with prey. In this case, it must be stimulated by a sound to wake it up. This means that it is just as it is." For humans during REM, it's thinking about something else. 


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