UAE.. The train of humanity will not stop


Since the blessed emergence of this kind-giving country, its hand is extended with goodness and giving to the brother and friend and every needy one that drives it to a sincere feeling of its duty towards humanity as a whole, based on its high values ​​and high morals that are inherited by generations with authenticity and honor from their fathers and grandfathers whom they learned the generosity of morals, and support for the poor and needy. All the virtues have been established as a way of life practiced by the UAE rulers and people with full comfort, dignity and conviction. 

This high morality was not a passing stance or an emergency behavior, but rather a way of life that extended along the blessed path of this kind, giving country for fifty years or more.

On the World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day, UAE had its long track record and pioneering role in eliminating diseases globally, enjoying a long legacy in partnership with international multilateral institutions and working with other governments to end neglected tropical diseases, as it has committed itself to combating them for more than 30 years.

On January 30th of each year, the world celebrates the World NTD Day, to strengthen international efforts to confront them. Accordingly, UAE has contributed to treating of 18 million people from trachoma, which is a neglected tropical disease that causes blindness, and distributing 87 million doses to prevent it, in addition to conducting 350,000 operations for the blind and training 50, 000 health professionals around the world.

Hence, UAE will not stop it in the march of global human good.


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